Commuter Benefits

Effortlessly Manage Commuter Benefits With Fleet

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Commuter Benefits

Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits let employees use pre-tax dollars for commuting expenses, with flexible employer contributions. Save money, enhance employee experience, and promote sustainable transportation.

Unlock Savings

Employees save up to $2,000 a year, while employers save up to $550 per employee annually.

Comply with Mandates

Ensure compliance with commuter benefit mandates in NYC, LA, Chicago, Philly, NJ, the Bay, Seattle, DC, and more.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Encourage sustainable choices and greener commutes for a healthier planet.

Boost Company's Appeal

Attract and retain top talent, and make return-to-work transitions smoother.

Our Platform

Fleet offers a commuter benefits management platform that streamlines access to transportation incentives and commuter benefits, making sustainable mobility options more rewarding and accessible for daily commuting.

Seamless Implementation
  • Quick Setup: Get started fast with no lengthy or costly implementation.
  • Personal Guidance: Your dedicated account executive is here to help.
  • Wide Compatibility: Integrates with 180+ HR systems.
Simplified Management
  • Automated Payroll Deductions: Set it and forget it.
  • Customizable Programs: Tailored to your needs with flexible contributions, micromobility, and rideshare options.
  • Employee Notifications: Automatic reminders and updates.
  • Direct Support: Fleet customer support to lighten your load.
Best Employee Experience
  • Seamless Mobile Experience: Self-serve app for iOS and Android.
  • Simple Allocation Management: Easily set, update, or pause pre-tax contributions.
  • Engaging Commutes: Gamified incentives for sustainable commuting.
  • Outstanding Support: Top-notch customer service for all your needs.
Ensured Compliance
  • Automatic Tracking: Every dollar accounted for automatically.
  • Customizable Guardrails: Block unauthorized actions with tailored rules.
  • Full Compliance: Stay within city, state, and federal IRS limits.
  • Centralized Reporting: Streamlined reporting with a central dashboard.


We have a solution for entities of all sizes.
Ideal for companies with fewer than 100 employees.
per company
per employee
Quick Self-Onboarding for:
Commuter benefits with optional employer contributions
In-app employee support & gamification
Automated compliance tracking
Optional micromobility and other add-ons
Professional PLAN
Perfect for companies with more than 100 employees.
Let's Connect
Find the perfect solution for you.
Everything included in our Team Plan plus…
Dedicated support through implementation
Real-time call center assistance
Employee commute analytics
Bespoke customization as needed

Want to learn more?

Schedule a Demo
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